This is easy to make and tasty chutney recipe from green or unripe tomatoes. You can have this churney with roti, chapati, bread, dosa etc.,
1.Green tomato -250 gm
2.Green chilli – 4
3.Grated coconut – 1/4 cup
4.Roasted groundnut -3 tbsp
5.Mastard seed -1/2 tbsp
6.Cumin -1 tbsp
7.Oil – 5 tbsp
8.Hing – pinch
9.Turmaric powder -1/4 tbsp
10.Red chilli -1
11.Curry leaves few
12.Coriander leaves few
13. Salt -1 tsp
1.Wash the tomato,green chilli, cut into half and shallow fry by adding 2 tbsp oil untill it shrinks in size and color changes.
2.Grind tomato,green chilli,cumin seeds, groundnut, coconut, coarsely add salt to it.
3.In a pan put remaining oil then season it with mastard seed ,Hing,curry leaves,red chilli,turmaric powder, stirr for a minute.
4.Add ground tomatoes to the seasoning mix well
5.Finally add finely chopped coriander leaves from top.